Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy 64th Dad!

It's my Dad's birthday today. Happy birthday Dad! Here is your card (because I didn't get one in the mail on time) and here are your presents (because virtual presents are just as fun as the real ones. Right kids? They nod their snotty nose heads in agreement and look at me with those forlorn eyes that say...please mommy, can we stop looking at the toys on the internet and actually get them).

Here is what Paul Bunyan got you:

Because you always get the person you love what you really want.

Here is what I got you:

Even though I know you don't have a Nikon (oh, but I do).

Auggie wanted you to have a Monster Truck so he drew you this:

I'm sorry the dinosaurs have run over it and smashed it to pieces.

Timmy thought you'd want one too; and besides, you have a two car garage so you can fit both of them (oh, and he also wanted to get you some tools, which might fit in the garage too, maybe):

Claire wanted to give you this:

Which is sort of her way of saying "you can have all my love and happiness, even though that face on the end represents the crazy bitch that I can sometimes be even though I'm only 7 years old and I know I can press all your buttons like my mom used to do and sometimes it's fun to see you get mad which is the only reason I do it. Happy Birthday Pop Pop! Love Form Claire."

So there Dad, I hope you like all your virtual gifts.

I do have some good news though. I finally spun the wool for your Christmas hat. You should have your 2008 Christmas present by Christmas 2009. Isn't that great news!

But in all seriousness, I appreciate all your love through the years...even when I was a screaming, crying wench, which it's pretty clear in this photo you had to deal with fairly early on.

Thanks for putting up with me! I love your side burns and I love you, mur

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