August (the original)...???
August II...he was called Gus
August III...he is called Tuck (or Popi by my children)
August IV...he goes by Austin (or Paul Bunyan on this blog)
August V...he goes by Auggie (I don't think he knows his name is August, like the month)
August III, IV, and V have all been born in August. Our Auggie, our baby, is (for certain) a boy. Despite his obvious physical genitalia, here's how I know he is a boy: he has not wanted to pick up a pen, not wanted to think about holding a pen, or a crayon, or a marker, or even a Cray-Pas EVER. Sorry, this is stereotypical. He is 4 and a half. Now mind you, I graduated from Iowa (I'll explain later) with a degree in English and went right on to get my Master's in English at UVM (go cats go), and taught English at a private school before having my daughter, who is going to major in English at Harvard (just joking, maybe). Are you getting the reading, writing, holding a pen, ENGLISH part here? I'm not pressuring him, at all; not ever, no never, I promise. You have to believe me. Because I think you would have heard, in my voice, a bit of celebration when I went into his bedroom (which, mind you, is full of TOYS, like trucks and trains and tractors and race cars) and found him doing this...ALL BY HIMSELF (which, mind you, will be framed and subsequently posted on the wall)!

Now, I'm not sure if this is a hungry hunter like a Baryonyx, Velociraptor, Xenotarsosaurus, or a Stenonychosaurus, or possibly a peaceful plant eater like a Zephyrosaurus, Wannanosaurus, or a Riojasaurus. Wah? I guess it doesn't really matter in the end. However, I was certain our very own King August the Fifth from Lichtenstein could tell us what kind of fire spitting dinosaur this is. And so when I asked him (after my private little celebration I had in my head) he said, simply, "(duh, you English nerd) it was a Fabrosaurus."

And all I could say was..."that is fabulous...simply, fabulous. You, King August the Fifth, are Fabrolous."
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