Oh my...where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday I was standing in this field of cow shit with Mud. She would go into labor later this day and give birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy. And it feels like just yesterday that I walked Addy down the dark hallway of the hospital towards her new baby brother. As we followed the blue line toward the maternity ward, I remember Addy holding tight to her baby, which happened to be a BIG baby and appropriately named "Big Baby". I remember Addy meeting her new brother for the first time and how Mud held Tanner up to greet us as we rounded the corner into the small maternity room. And how Addy put Big Baby down in the chair that barely fit next to the bed and then climbed onto her mother's lap, and without anyone really having to say too much, Mud put Tanner in Addy's lap. And I cried.

It's hard to believe that just three weeks later my mother would walk Claire down that same dark hallway, following that same blue line, entering the same double doors onto the same maternity ward to meet her two (!!) new brothers. I was high on morphine when Claire got to meet her brothers...and there are important details of that meeting that I don't remember. And there are important details of the boys' first year of life that I dont' remember...mostly because that's just how it is. You forget the tough stuff. And that first year was tuff. But I wouldn't trade any of it....not for anything.

Happy 5th Birthday boys!
OH, yes, Happy Birthday boys! Please tell your family that I love them and miss them. I hope you stay out of too much trouble in year 5 and that you stay in touch!