This young lady turned ten last Sunday.
And because her mother and I are crazy we decided to celebrate the last ten years of their tiny lives by taking our daughters to the BIG Apple for the weekend. Here we've just arrived at JFK.
I wonder if Claire will remember this moment.
Or if she recalls that the hair dresser doing Rebecca's hair couldn't quite complete the "do" she requested because Claire had been brushing Rebecca's hair all wrong and now SHE HAS NONE!
I wonder if she'll remember the hissy fit she threw when I said I wasn't going to pay for a new wig quite yet. When she's ready to box that shit up for her daughter, yea, then I'll pay the 50 bones.
I wonder if she'll remember that Medora told her the smoke coming from the sewer was the devil mixing a toxic concoction.

Or if she'll remember waking up laughing on our first morning in the city. The fire trucks were right outside our window. Or so it sounded like.
I wonder if she'll remember all the cute dogs being carried in baby slings.
Or how many Shirley Temples she drank? Her pee was red.

I wonder if she'll be able to remember the silence at ground zero, even though there were thousands of people there and still lots of construction.
Or if they'll remember getting their nails done by women who made fun of us in the Chinese they knew we didn't understand.

Will she remember the fat pigeons?
Or all the bubble gum on the sidewalks?
Will she remember the smell of roasting nuts?

Or worse, the giant fish at the fish markets?

Will she think she spent the whole time looking up?
And how they walked down the street with a little more swagger after this happened at the Bobby Brown make-up station in Macy's?

Will she remember these lights which gave the illusion it was day time?
Or this amazing show?

Will she remember refusing to stand next to any street actor?

But yet she gave a dollar to the man playing his saxophone under the ground?
Will they recall loving the tamarins at the zoo?
Or not being overly impressed with Central Park?
Will they remember being excited to see the huge boats going up and down this river- the one right outside Mud's step-mother's apartment?
I wonder if she'll remember that it was this trip that made her claim the city as part of her?
And that is was upon her return that she started researching acting schools in the city?
Wow. Well if she ever forgets anything, just look up this post. The look on her face suggests memories that have been already planted and taken root.