I've been contemplating this post for a week now. I've been contemplating this post for a week now because I'm not really sure you absolutely for certain love to see Paul Bunyan naked. I mean every spring he waits impatiently for the ice to be gone from the pond and every spring I wait with baited breath and camera ready in hand.
But the official official arrival of spring- Paul Bunyan's spring leap- has, for the past 8 years, been after the official arrival of spring. And so spring doesn't really officially get sprung around these parts until Paul Bunyan leaps naked into water that was just ice a few hours earlier.
But this year the ice went out on the day we returned from Disney- the 16th of March.
What a weird and eerie thing to have the official official arrival of spring happen BEFORE the official arrival of spring.

And my soul and my car have been tormented by this crazy early arrival of geese and ducks and buds and mud and the dog poop that has been buried under the snow for 3 months. And there has existed the same morose sadness I experience at the end of every winter.

But this season it has been worse because the heat wave that brought record breaking warmth to the area wrecked everything I love about this month.

There were no nights at the sugar house or Paul Bunyan returning home drunk off the heat and sweet smoke and whiskey. And now that the sugar maples are turning red at their tips, they're done. My heart goes out to Paul and my heart goes out to all the others who rely on this sweet stuff to pay the bills.
And so I've always loved showing you pictures of my naked husband jumping into the water that had ice on it a few hours ago, and although you may not always love looking at pictures of my naked husband jumping into the water that had ice on it a few hours ago, I will continue to show you pictures of my naked husband. My hope is that the official official arrival of spring comes, next year and all the years after this, after the official arrival of spring. And that this fluke year will remain a phenomenon for the sake of the maple trees and those that need its sweet sap to make liquid gold.
Don't forget the ticks that are already out in force! The good news is, crossfit is treating Paul Bunyan well.